Sunday, August 24, 2014

Zero Craps on General Greene

I awoke this beautiful Sunday morning to breakfast and prepapatation to go to church and worship the Almighty God. I turned on the TV and somehow it was set to CNN. That was my first mistake. The liberal talking head was into his 100th Obama of the mornin said it: Zero was send aids to the funeral of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mississippi.

They cant help that there job demands that they be liberal. They cant help they are hired by anti- police news outlet, They had to have a job and wound up at CNN.
Here is the rant. In the past few weeks we lost the first General in combat since Vietnam. A tragdey. Most everyone are in shock and are mourning. All real Americans love a hero. All real Americans love their military. WE are patriotic.

Obama is sending two of his aids to Michael Browns funeral. Zero would not go to a Major General Harold Green's funeral. The general was a real hero not some punk on the street who got into a pissin match with a police officer and lost.

Brown is not a hero as he had the brain of a Le Sure pea for charging the officer. Zero has violated every tradition set by former presidents and sunk to the lowest of low. He is showing our kids that it is alright to have a criminal background, sell drugs, and be a thug. "I will honor you by sending a few folks from Washington". Mr. President, Michael Brown ain't no hero and your are not a leader.
What ever the outcome on the Brown case so be it. The evidence shows he committed before he was approached by the officer. The officer didn't know it but, Brown did. Brown reacted the way any other thug does when approached after the deed fight or flight. I have been there done that and every cop out there has. There is an abundance of evidence the officer was injured during a scuffle over a guy who refused to do as he was told.

The General Greene did what he was told by the President. He gave his life for it. Zero has no respect for the military, constitution, or the laws of this country.
Let us pray for a stronger leader 2016. For right now pray we get out of ths alive.